Lego Based Therapy Groups

Lego Based Therapy Groups

These groups are designed to aid, teach and promote social competence in children with social difficulties and Autism Spectrum Disorder. Children with autism are often not motivated to learn social skills, but by using Lego we can help them to communicate in a fun and naturalistic way, developing the following skills and many more.


  • Social interactions/self initiated interactions
  • Social strategies
  • Social confidence
  • Joint attention
  • Joint problem solving
  • Inhibiting impulses
  • Building friendships
  • Turn-taking 
  • Sharing
  • Collaboration

Group Information

Children are divided into groups of 3 and sessions are highly structured. Each child takes a turn at fulfilling a specific role which is rotated. The specific roles are as follows:

Builder: Responsible for physically putting the bricks together on the guidance and instruction of the Engineer. 

Supplier: Responsible for working out and finding the bricks needed according to size, colour and shape. 

Engineer: Responsible for overseeing the design and ensuring the instructions are followed. 

Facilitated By: Senior Occupational Therapist Jessica Dee, trained in Lego Based Therapy by Dr Gina Gomez in 2018. 

Age requirement: 7-12 years old.  Duration: 1 hr per week, for 8 weeks. 

Click Here to submit interest and receive an email when the next group is beginning.

All of our clinics are fully equipped to provide the best experience

All of our clinics are fully equipped to provide assessment and treatment services and include suspended equipment, soft play areas, a range of seating height tables and a large range of gross and fine motor toys and equipment.

How We Can Help

The Sunflower Clinic provides a wide range of therapy services for children. Our multi-disciplinary team of experienced clinicians are ready to support you through a wide range of services

Where we are

The Sunflower Clinic provides a wide range of therapy services for children. Our multi-disciplinary team of experienced clinicians are ready to support you through a wide range of services

More about us

The Sunflower Clinic provides a wide range of therapy services for children. Our multi-disciplinary team of experienced clinicians are ready to support you through a wide range of services

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